The Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigration to Canada

canada globe

As the Canadian population ages, the country hopes that immigrants will help pay for schools and hospitals. Also, with immigration, Canada hopes to sustain basic social services and grow as a country. Currently, immigration is Canada’s strategy for growth. Become a Canadian, thus concluding that the country is open to diverse people from all walks … Read more

Become a Canadian: Vietnamese Immigrants Honored with Calgary Park Monument

Vietnamese Immigrants Honored with Calgary Park Monument

On Friday, July 1, 2022, hundreds of people gathered together for the Journey to Freedom Park grand opening in southeast Calgary. The long-awaited park, which had been in construction since April last year, was built in honor of the Vietnamese refugees who fled to Canada at the fall of Saigon in 1975. One of the … Read more

Ottawa among World’s Top Cities for Work


Some Canadian cities made it to the 2022 Work-Life Balance list by Kisi, a mobile access technology company. Out of Canadian cities on the list, Ottawa ranked highest and placed seventh in the list. According to the report, Ottawa has a score of 95.51 out of 100. With a score of 92.23 and 16th on … Read more

Become A Canadian: Retiring Baby Boomers Are Fueling Immigration to Canada

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Currently, the retiring rate of the Baby Boomers, that is, people born from 1946 to 1964, is on the rise in Canada. This trend is the primary factor causing the inadequacies in the labour force in Canada in recent years. According to Become A Canadian, one crucial way to reduce the negative effects of this … Read more

Canadian Immigration Goal Soars to 1.3 Million Over 3 Years

Canada has announced an aggressive plan to bring over 1.3 million immigrants to the country over the next three years. The increase in people will support the post-pandemic growth. According to the 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan, the government’s goal is to bring in 431,000 permanent residents this year, 447,000 next year, and 451,000 in 2024. … Read more

How Much Money Does a Household in Canada Make?

BecomeACanadian - Household

According to Statistics Canada, in 2019, just under one-third of Canadian families, 30.2 percent, were debt-free. They made an interesting infographic about Canadian families’ assets, debts and net worth. You can check it out below. BecomeaCanadian helps you and your family get started on the path to obtaining your visas to become permanent residents of … Read more
