You Can Enjoy the Good Life in Canada

Kelowna, British Columbia

You Can Enjoy the Good Life in Canada Canada is an attractive destination for retirement due to its natural beauty, low population density, and high-quality healthcare. Although the winters are cold, there are numerous coastal regions with surprisingly mild climates ideal for seniors. Become A Canadian offers specialized immigration guidance to numerous individuals annually. If … Read more

Recruitment Firm Says These Canadian Jobs in High Demand

Become A Canadian - Financial Analyst

Become A Canadian reveals the 15 most in-demand jobs in Canada for 2024, compiled by Randstad Canada, a leading HR and recruitment company. These in-demand occupations were compiled by examining online jobs across Canada and cross-referencing the data with internal statistics based on what most employees are looking for in 2024. Become A Canadian could … Read more

Nova Scotia Needs Thousands of Foreign Tradespeople

Nova Scotia

A labor shortage cost businesses in Nova Scotia a whopping $1B in missed opportunities in 2022. According to Become A Canadian, businesses in the construction and manufacturing industries have missed out on potential sales and contract opportunities because of a limited workforce. In the words of Duncan Robertson, a senior policy analyst in Nova Scotia … Read more

Work-Life Balance Important to Young Canadians

BecomeACanadian - Work-Life Balance

The new generation of workers values work-life balance. According to Become A Canadian, workers born between 1997 and 2006 are the newest workers entering the labor market. It has been established that this generation of working Canadians has a long list of values and living needs that most urban Canadian cities need to meet. Become … Read more

$100K Killam Prize Honors Five Scholars in Canada

killam prize

In 2022, the Killam Prize was awarded to five Canadian researchers. These scholars received $100,000 apiece for their contributions in their respective fields. One of the five Canadian scholars was a sociologist, Carl E. James. This social science scholar was honoured for his work regarding how to create a more equitable society. He is also … Read more

More than 450 “mother tongues” are spoken in Canada besides English or French

english french

According to the 2021 census, over 450 mother tongues were reported in Canada. This report indicates that newcomers contribute significantly to linguistic diversity in the country. In 2021, 69.4% of recent immigrants reportedly did not have English or French as their mother tongue. The mother tongue is the first language they learned in childhood that … Read more

The Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigration to Canada

canada globe

As the Canadian population ages, the country hopes that immigrants will help pay for schools and hospitals. Also, with immigration, Canada hopes to sustain basic social services and grow as a country. Currently, immigration is Canada’s strategy for growth. Become a Canadian, thus concluding that the country is open to diverse people from all walks … Read more
