Immigration to Canada Crucial as Workers Retire

High levels of immigration are helping to smooth the economic impact of demographic aging in Canada. However, according to a report by the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), they have intensified challenges related to housing affordability. Every year, numerous people from different countries around the world move to Canada. If you need advice on visas … Read more

Worldwide Survey Ranks Canada #3 for Quality of Life

BecomeACanadian - Quality of Life

Countries of the world are ranked yearly based on different factors such as economic prowess, military, quality of life, and job opportunities.  Become A Canadian could establish that U.S. News, in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and the communications company WPP, recently released the 2023 ranking of the best countries in the … Read more

Guide to Help Immigrants Rent or Buy a Home in Canada

BecomeACanadian - Buy a Home in Canada

Become A Canadian could confirm most immigrants find it challenging to navigate through the Canadian real estate market when they get to Canada.  Interacting with some new immigrants will help you understand their Canadian real estate experience and how they navigated it. As a result of the possible challenges attributed to the Canadian real estate … Read more

Become a Canadian: Vietnamese Immigrants Honored with Calgary Park Monument

Vietnamese Immigrants Honored with Calgary Park Monument

On Friday, July 1, 2022, hundreds of people gathered together for the Journey to Freedom Park grand opening in southeast Calgary. The long-awaited park, which had been in construction since April last year, was built in honor of the Vietnamese refugees who fled to Canada at the fall of Saigon in 1975. One of the … Read more

Ottawa among World’s Top Cities for Work


Some Canadian cities made it to the 2022 Work-Life Balance list by Kisi, a mobile access technology company. Out of Canadian cities on the list, Ottawa ranked highest and placed seventh in the list. According to the report, Ottawa has a score of 95.51 out of 100. With a score of 92.23 and 16th on … Read more

Become A Canadian: Retiring Baby Boomers Are Fueling Immigration to Canada

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Currently, the retiring rate of the Baby Boomers, that is, people born from 1946 to 1964, is on the rise in Canada. This trend is the primary factor causing the inadequacies in the labour force in Canada in recent years. According to Become A Canadian, one crucial way to reduce the negative effects of this … Read more
