Ontario Is Looking for Workers to Fill Job Openings

In 2022, long-term job openings in Ontario attained a record high. This happened as hiring difficulties kept affecting the labor market.

In the third quarter of last year, 36.3% of the job vacancies in the province remained open for 90 days or more. This finding is according to the report by the Financial Accountability Office on Ontario’s labor market performance for 2022.

Become A Canadian stated that employment challenges are not just local. But employers across the country continue to struggle to hire workers.

Details about Job Vacancies in Ontario

Recent data from Statistics Canada indicated that almost a million jobs were vacant in the third quarter of 2022.

Most sectors in Canada are thus experiencing strong demand for labor. This phenomenon is primarily due to many people retiring. Also, it is caused by employees seeking higher-paying jobs in Canada with better working conditions.

Robert Kavcic, the chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, thus concluded that paying workers more is a simple and effective method of filling Canadian job openings.

Become A Canadian reported that about five of 16 industries in Ontario operated with fewer workers in 2022. Three of the five sectors are business, warehousing, and transportation. The other fields are agriculture and food services. These sectors thus remain below their pre-pandemic 2019 level of employment.

Another Cause for Strain in Ontario's Labor Market

From reports, a high rate of worker absenteeism due to illness or disability is adding to the strain in Ontario. This statement is buttressed by a report which stated that about 404,100 workers were absent from their work either for some time as a result of disability or sickness in 2022.

This statement is buttressed by a report which stated that about 404,100 workers were absent from their work either for some time as a result of disability or sickness in 2022.